Loong Air Flight Status

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Loong Air flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
GJ8584 16:50 21:40 In Air
GJ8180 16:00 19:55 In Air
GJ8782 09:00 13:30 Landed
GJ8781 10:40 15:35 Landed
GJ8631 12:35 15:00 Landed
GJ6018 15:00 17:05 Scheduled
GJ8697 12:50 15:55 Landed
GJ8652 17:30 20:00 Scheduled
GJ8099 06:30 09:55 Landed
GJ8067 06:25 09:35 In Air
GJ8053 14:00 16:25 Landed
GJ8102 07:00 09:35 In Air
GJ8060 19:35 22:05 Scheduled
GJ8382 10:50 13:55 Landed
GJ8568 18:55 21:10 Scheduled
GJ8854 17:40 19:35 Scheduled
GJ8859 15:00 17:20 Scheduled
GJ8699 11:15 13:45 Landed
GJ8995 19:45 22:05 Scheduled
GJ8571 08:15 10:05 In Air
GJ8068 10:45 13:30 Scheduled
GJ8100 20:00 22:45 Scheduled
GJ8766 13:30 21:50 In Air
GJ6068 13:50 16:20 Landed
GJ8154 16:10 20:15 In Air
GJ8562 18:00 20:55 Scheduled
GJ8657 19:55 22:20 Scheduled
GJ8381 06:35 10:05 In Air
GJ8996 23:10 01:15 Scheduled
GJ8700 14:55 17:10 Landed
GJ8987 15:55 18:30 Landed
GJ8646 16:00 18:20 Expected

Loong Air Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport HGH Hangzhou China 4 hours, 29 minutes
2 Wenzhou Longwan International Airport WNZ Wenzhou China 1 week, 5 days
3 Xianyang International Airport XIY Xian China 9 hours, 28 minutes
4 Ningbo Lishe International Airport NGB Ningbo China 6 days, 11 hours
5 Yinchuan Hedong International Airport INC Yinchuan China 4 days, 20 hours
6 Xuzhou Guanyin Airport XUZ Xuzhou China 3 days, 4 hours
7 Linyi Airport LYI Linyi China 2 weeks
8 Harbin Taiping International Airport HRB Harbin China 3 days, 12 hours
9 Yantai Laishan International Airport YNT Yantai China 1 week, 3 days
10 Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport DLC Dalian China 6 hours, 30 minutes

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