Tigerair Taiwan Flight Status

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Tigerair Taiwan flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
IT606 16:40 19:55 Scheduled
IT215 15:55 17:40 No Recent Info - Call Airline
IT602 20:00 23:30 Scheduled
IT203 19:30 22:35 Scheduled
IT201 13:30 16:25 In Air
IT701 20:45 23:25 Delayed
IT281 11:50 15:00 Landed
IT663 20:35 22:40 Scheduled
IT289 13:30 14:25 Landed
IT578 19:30 23:00 Scheduled
IT271 18:05 19:55 Scheduled
IT322 10:55 12:30 Landed
IT214 11:30 15:05 Landed
IT202 14:15 18:35 Expected
IT700 15:30 19:55 Expected
IT212 14:10 17:55 In Air
IT228 13:45 18:00 In Air
IT752 10:30 14:30 In Air
IT551 16:30 18:10 Scheduled
IT270 13:20 17:05 In Air
IT288 09:45 12:30 Landed
IT206 09:00 12:55 Arrived
IT207 13:45 15:55 In Air
IT711 11:55 13:45 Landed
IT211 11:15 13:10 Landed
IT213 19:50 21:45 Scheduled
IT371 12:10 13:55 Landed
IT321 08:30 10:10 Landed
IT710 07:10 10:55 Arrived
IT210 06:40 10:25 Arrived
IT662 16:00 19:45 Scheduled
IT577 15:15 16:40 Scheduled

Tigerair Taiwan Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport TPE Taipei Taiwan 3 days, 9 hours
2 Macau International Airport MFM Macau Macao 6 days, 12 hours
3 Kaohsiung International Airport KHH Kaohsiung Taiwan 3 days, 10 hours
4 Narita International Airport NRT Tokyo Japan 2 days, 9 hours
5 Kansai International Airport KIX Osaka Japan 6 days, 12 hours
6 Da Nang International Airport DAD Da Nang Viet Nam 3 weeks, 2 days
7 Naha Airport OKA Okinawa Japan 6 days, 12 hours
8 Chubu Centrair International Airport NGO Nagoya Japan 6 days, 14 hours
9 Daegu International Airport TAE Daegu South Korea 6 months
10 Don Mueang International Airport DMK Bangkok Thailand 6 months

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