Sudan Airways Flight Status

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Sudan Airways flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
SD241 04:00 02:00 Arrival Estimated 17:43
SD105 21:30 22:30 In Air
SD240 09:31 None In Air
SD104 16:00 18:00 In Air
SD412 09:00 10:45 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
SD413 12:45 14:30 No Recent Info - Call Airline
SD103 19:30 22:00 No Recent Info - Call Airline
SD102 16:00 18:30 No Recent Info - Call Airline
SD417 11:00 12:30 No Recent Info - Call Airline
SD416 08:00 09:30 No Recent Info - Call Airline
SD53 16:45 None Arrived Delayed by 24 minutes
SD54 18:45 None Arrived Delayed by 21 minutes
SD30 21:19 None Arrived On time
SD1001 12:23 None Arrived On time
SD1002 15:09 None Arrived On time
SD1003 01:15 None Arrived On time
SD1004 04:07 None Arrived On time
SD242 09:19 None Arrived On time
SD243 14:24 None Arrived On time
SD245 15:53 None Arrived On time
SD426 09:46 None Arrived On time
SD427 17:12 None Arrived On time
SD3100 11:03 None Arrived On time
SD3101 14:43 None Arrived On time
SD421 16:46 None Arrived On time
SD424 08:40 None Arrived On time
SD208 17:24 None Arrived On time
SD209 19:27 None Arrived On time
SD2240 20:47 None Arrived On time
SD80 10:51 None Arrived On time
SD60 06:35 None Arrived On time
SD61 08:05 None Arrived On time

Sudan Airways Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Khartoum International Airport KRT Khartoum Sudan 1 year, 5 months
2 Port Sudan Airport PZU Port Sudan Sudan 1 year, 7 months
3 King Abdulaziz International Airport JED Jeddah Saudi Arabia 1 year, 7 months
4 Cairo International Airport CAI Cairo Egypt 1 year, 5 months
5 Abu Dhabi International Airport AUH Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 1 year, 7 months
6 Juba International Airport JUB Juba South Sudan 1 year, 7 months
7 Chelyabinsk International Airport CEK Chelyabinsk Russia 1 year, 7 months
8 Charlotte Douglas International Airport CLT Charlotte United States 1 year, 7 months
9 New Castle Airport ILG Wilmington United States 1 year, 7 months
10 Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport KAN Kano Nigeria 1 year, 7 months

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