Shaheen Air Flight Status

Tired of waiting for the flight? Check today flight status of the Shaheen Air International here. We understand that a traveler needs to know the exact arrival and departure time of a flight. Therefore, we offer you the robust platform to check the accurate Shaheen Air International Flight status. Just land on our portal and acquire all the necessary details.

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Shaheen Air flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
NL87 17:00 18:04 In Air
NL69 01:00 01:00 In Air
NL89 17:30 18:36 Arrived On time
NL907 04:00 03:00 In Air
NL21 02:00 02:00 In Air
NL908 03:00 04:00 In Air
NL901 16:10 20:00 Landed
NL902 22:40 11:30 Landed
NL65 01:00 01:00 In Air
NL491 07:05 11:07 Landed 10:56
NL88 21:30 22:41 Arrived On time
NL85 01:00 01:00 In Air
NL171 08:00 10:23 In Air
NL441 23:45 02:15 Scheduled
NL18 02:00 02:00 In Air
NL192 17:45 19:45
NL191 14:45 16:45 Landed
NL80 16:30 18:00 In Air
NL70 18:30 19:50 Arrived Delayed by 34 minutes
NL34 02:00 02:00 Arrival Scheduled
NL33 18:00 19:29 Arrived Delayed by 19 minutes
NL24 19:15 20:23 Arrived On time
NL23 18:00 18:54 Arrived On time
NL22 02:00 02:00 In Air
NL36 00:45 02:05 Landed 02:43
NL35 18:10 19:36 Arrived On time
NL261 09:30 11:16 Arrival Delayed 11:35
NL99 10:00 11:21 Arrived Delayed by 18 minutes
NL98 10:30 12:08 Arrived On time
NL97 16:00 17:20 Arrived Delayed by 36 minutes
NL96 00:30 01:18 Arrived Delayed by 62 minutes
NL95 16:00 20:28 Arrived Delayed by 49 minutes

Shaheen Air Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Allama Iqbal International Airport LHE Lahore Pakistan 1 year, 8 months
2 Paris Orly Airport ORY Paris France 1 year, 8 months
3 Jinnah International Airport KHI Karachi Pakistan 1 year, 8 months
4 Islamabad International Airport ISB Islamabad Pakistan 1 year, 8 months
5 Marcillac Airport RDZ Rodez France 1 year, 8 months
6 Dzaoudzi Airport DZA Dzaoudzi Mayotte 1 year, 8 months
7 King Abdulaziz International Airport JED Jeddah Saudi Arabia 1 year, 8 months
8 Bacha Khan International Airport PEW Peshawar Pakistan 1 year, 8 months
9 Le Bourget Airport LBG Paris France 1 year, 8 months
10 Laroche Airport BVE Brive-La-Gaillarde France 1 year, 8 months

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