Apex Airline Flight Status

Tired of waiting for the flight? Check today flight status of the Apex Airline here. We understand that a traveler needs to know the exact arrival and departure time of a flight. Therefore, we offer you the robust platform to check the accurate Apex Airline Flight status. Just land on our portal and acquire all the necessary details.

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Apex Airline flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
SO1 16:00 09:42 In Air
SO5 14:00 16:26 In Air
SO2 07:00 09:58 In Air
SO200 07:30 10:30 In Air
SO261 02:00 03:00 Arrival Scheduled
SO222 02:00 03:00 In Air
SO223 20:30 21:30 Landed 19:18
SO109 18:00 20:30 In Air
SO220 02:00 03:00 In Air
SO221 02:00 03:00 In Air
SO110 22:00 00:30 In Air
SO300 02:00 02:00 In Air
SO14 02:00 02:00 In Air
SO570 04:00 01:00 Arrival Estimated 18:16
SO3 01:00 01:00 In Air
SO4 01:00 03:00 In Air
SO501 12:35 13:35 Landed
SO402 17:55 19:15 Landed
SO401 17:00 17:40 Landed
SO202 10:45 11:25 Scheduled
SO302 09:25 10:05 Scheduled
SO502 14:05 15:05 Scheduled
SO301 08:30 09:10 Landed
SO201 09:50 10:30 Landed
SO97 03:55 23:39 En-Route
SO98 04:00 01:00 En-Route
SO276 21:40 23:43 Departed Late
SO275 05:25 00:37 Departed Late
SO96 04:20 00:41 En-Route
SO102 18:00 18:50
SO101 07:30 08:20

Apex Airline Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Khartoum International Airport KRT Khartoum Sudan 1 year, 6 months
2 Hong Kong International Airport HKG Hong Kong Hong Kong 1 year, 7 months
3 Vienna International Airport VIE Vienna Austria 1 year, 7 months
4 Kawthaung Airport KAW Kawthaung Myanmar 1 year, 7 months
5 Myeik Airport MGZ Myeik Myanmar 1 year, 7 months
6 Yangon International Airport RGN Yangon Myanmar 1 year, 7 months
7 Bulawayo Airport BUQ Bulawayo Zimbabwe 1 year, 7 months
8 Cairo International Airport CAI Cairo Egypt 1 year, 7 months
9 Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport CVG Cincinnati United States 1 year, 7 months
10 Heho Airport HEH Heho Myanmar 1 year, 7 months

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