Ryukyu Air Commuter Flight Status

Tired of waiting for the flight? Check today flight status of the Ryukyu Air Commuter here. We understand that a traveler needs to know the exact arrival and departure time of a flight. Therefore, we offer you the robust platform to check the accurate Ryukyu Air Commuter Flight status. Just land on our portal and acquire all the necessary details.

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Ryukyu Air Commuter flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
RAC898 16:45 17:10 Scheduled On time
RAC861 08:00 08:55 Scheduled On time
RAC834 14:45 15:15 Arrived On time
RAC839 17:45 18:20 Scheduled On time
RAC744 13:40 14:10 Cancelled
RAC742 09:05 09:35 Arrived On time
RAC880 16:45 17:20 Scheduled On time
RAC746 16:30 17:00 Scheduled On time
RAC883 18:10 18:45 Scheduled On time
RAC724 11:25 12:40 Cancelled
RAC721 07:15 08:35 Cancelled
RAC708 19:55 21:00 Cancelled
RAC725 12:20 13:45 Cancelled
RAC897 15:50 16:15 Scheduled On time
RAC881 17:25 18:00 Departed On time
RAC748 18:50 19:20 Scheduled On time
RAC747 17:45 18:15 Scheduled On time
RAC884 19:10 19:45 Scheduled On time
RAC838 19:00 19:30 Arrived On time
RAC874 10:50 11:30 Arrived On time
RAC873 09:50 10:25 Arrived On time
RAC892 10:25 10:50 Arrived On time
RAC879 15:45 16:20 Scheduled On time
RAC815 13:15 13:55 Arrived On time
RAC745 15:25 15:55 Scheduled On time
RAC741 10:05 10:35 Scheduled On time
RAC831 11:35 12:05 Scheduled On time
RAC882 18:25 19:00 Scheduled On time
RAC832 12:35 13:05 Scheduled On time
RAC891 09:25 09:50 Arrived On time
RAC801 08:00 08:55 Arrived On time
RAC804 20:05 21:00 Scheduled On time

Ryukyu Air Commuter Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Naha Airport OKA Okinawa Japan 2 days, 15 hours
2 Kume-jima Airport UEO Kume-jima Japan 1 week, 4 days
3 Painushima Ishigaki Airport ISG Ishigaki Japan 2 days, 16 hours
4 Yonaguni Airport OGN Yonaguni Japan 1 week, 3 days
5 Miyako Airport MMY Miyako Japan 6 days, 6 hours
6 Maridor Airport MMD Minami Daito Japan 3 weeks, 6 days
7 Kitadaito Airport KTD Kitadaito Japan 1 month, 2 weeks
8 Yoron Airport RNJ Yoronjima Japan 3 weeks, 6 days
9 Tarama Airport TRA Taramajima Japan 9 hours, 9 minutes
10 Amami Airport ASJ Amami O Shima Japan 1 year, 8 months

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