Indianapolis to Oakland flight status today

List of all flights from Indianapolis United States (IND) to Oakland United States (OAK) and airlines operated flight from Indianapolis to Oakland. The flight is a domestic flight in United States. There are 16 flights operated by 1 airlines on this route.

The distance from Indianapolis, US (IND) to Oakland, US (OAK) is 3111 km (1933 miles). The time zone of the point of departure Indianapolis International Airport is GMT -5:00. The current time is Wednesday 2024-05-01 21:44 PM. The time zone of the destination point Metropolitan Oakland International Airport is GMT-8:00 The current time is Wednesday 2024-05-01 18:44 PM.

FedEx |

List of 16 flights from Indianapolis, US (IND) to Oakland, US (OAK).
No. Departure Arrival Last Update Status
FX1705 04:06 05:17 Arrived Delayed by 23m
FX3724 15:45 17:02 In Air
FX3747 16:15 17:32 Scheduled On time
FX3707 17:28 18:47 Departed On time
FX3717 16:33 18:27 Arrived On time
FX1790 06:13 07:17 In Air
FX1752 05:38 None Arrived Delayed by 37 minutes
FX1037 14:11 15:25 Arrival Delayed 18:04
FX2705 08:51 10:14 Arrived Delayed by 39m
FX3504 20:15 21:54 Landed Late
FX3737 16:30 18:16 Landed
FX1768 02:32 04:06 Landed
FX3819 07:45 10:00 Departed Late
FX3759 17:45 19:41 Landed
FX3826 10:39 12:36 Landed
FX3763 14:00 15:42 Landed