FedEx Flight Status

FedEx Express is a cargo airline based in Memphis, Tennessee, United States. In 2017, it was the world's largest airline in terms of freight tons flown and the world's ninth largest in terms of fleet size

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FedEx flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
FX1707 04:06 06:17 Arrived Delayed by 1h 27m
FX1234 19:18 00:25 Scheduled On time
FX1421 02:49 04:37 Arrived Delayed by 56m
FX5986 22:29 22:50 Scheduled On time
FX1403 03:40 05:43 Arrived Delayed by 1h 36m
FX1407 03:49 05:28 Arrived Delayed by 45m
FX1742 03:11 04:26 Arrived Delayed by 1h 5m
FX1603 23:33 00:40 Scheduled On time
FX1729 04:26 05:49 Arrived Delayed by 31m
FX1243 22:30 22:59 Scheduled On time
FX1735 03:46 04:42 Arrived Delayed by 1h 4m
FX1587 05:59 08:27 Arrived Delayed by 1h 54m
FX9737 01:25 None Arrived On time
FX1221 22:03 22:05 Scheduled On time
FX3951 15:01 17:35 Scheduled On time
FX1333 22:00 23:09 Scheduled On time
FX1307 23:03 23:14 Scheduled On time
FX1731 04:48 05:42 Arrived Delayed by 1h 8m
FX205 14:02 17:11 Scheduled On time
FX1426 04:48 05:55 Arrived On time
FX1552 03:31 06:06 Arrived Delayed by 44m
FX1073 04:34 05:38 Arrived On time
FX1857 02:52 04:08 Arrived Delayed by 18m
FX505 15:59 18:20 Scheduled On time
FX3884 14:57 16:32 Scheduled On time
FX15 03:40 08:06 Departed Delayed by 1h 28m
FX711 15:49 18:21 Scheduled On time
FX844 05:14 10:20 Arrived On time
FX1750 04:01 05:36 Arrived Delayed by 37m
FX1774 04:26 05:39 Arrived Delayed by 40m
FX1284 22:19 23:22 Scheduled On time
FX1706 04:53 04:24 Arrived Delayed by 1h 48m

FedEx Express Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Memphis International Airport MEM Memphis United States 39 minutes
2 Indianapolis International Airport IND Indianapolis United States 11 minutes
3 Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport ANC Anchorage United States 13 hours, 59 minutes
4 Metropolitan Oakland International Airport OAK Oakland United States 4 hours, 12 minutes
5 Los Angeles International Airport LAX Los Angeles United States 27 minutes
6 Newark Liberty International Airport EWR Newark United States 2 hours, 24 minutes
7 Charles de Gaulle Airport CDG Paris France 2 weeks, 3 days
8 Fort Worth Alliance Airport AFW Fort Worth United States 13 hours, 43 minutes
9 Ontario International Airport ONT Ontario United States 6 hours, 4 minutes
10 Kansai International Airport KIX Osaka Japan 6 days, 12 hours

Recent Updated Airports