Paris to Memphis flight status today

List of all flights from Paris France (CDG) to Memphis United States (MEM) and airlines operated flight from Paris to Memphis. The flight is an international flight from France to United States. There are 16 flights operated by 1 airlines on this route.

The distance from Paris, FR (CDG) to Memphis, US (MEM) is 7337 km (4559 miles). The time zone of the point of departure Charles de Gaulle Airport is GMT +1:00. The current time is Wednesday 2024-05-01 15:59 PM. The time zone of the destination point Memphis International Airport is GMT-6:00 The current time is Wednesday 2024-05-01 08:59 AM.

FedEx |

List of 16 flights from Paris, FR (CDG) to Memphis, US (MEM).
No. Departure Arrival Last Update Status
FX5021 02:19 04:35 Landed
FX27 22:24 00:46 In Air
FX3 23:48 02:21 In Air
FX9 21:13 23:21 In Air
FX5217 21:14 23:26 In Air
FX5277 21:24 23:21 Landed 00:15
FX5213 01:25 04:01 In Air
FX9031 15:15 17:52 Landed
FX5035 22:48 01:16 Arrival Estimated 01:00
FX47 05:19 07:42 Landed 07:01
FX9044 22:00 00:26 Landed
FX9149 02:00 05:04 Landed Late
FX9625 21:00 00:03 Landed
FX5097 20:52 23:43 Landed
FX9048 18:42 14:25 Landed
FX9043 20:30 00:30 Landed Late