Latin American Wings Flight Status

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Latin American Wings flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
LW700 17:45 19:05 Scheduled On time
LW49 08:47 None In Air
LW442 15:00 None In Air
LW1644 13:00 14:45 Scheduled On time
LW7361 21:45 23:05 Scheduled On time
LW7360 20:00 21:20 Scheduled On time
LW417 14:50 17:12 Landed 17:48
LW7533 11:25 12:25 Scheduled On time
LW1231 07:05 08:05 Arrived On time
LW3576 16:45 18:25 Arrived Delayed by 25m
LW3575 18:50 22:20 Arrived Delayed by 40m
LW1230 08:30 09:35 Arrived On time
LW6521 22:10 None Arrived Delayed by 344 minutes
LW6522 23:40 None Arrived Delayed by 144 minutes
LW8718 12:55 None Arrived Delayed by 17 minutes
LW9032 21:35 None Arrived On time
LW9033 23:05 None Arrived Delayed by 42 minutes
LW9004 20:20 None Arrived On time
LW9005 22:20 None Arrived On time
LW6442 13:55 None Arrived Delayed by 135 minutes
LW6441 15:40 None Arrived Delayed by 137 minutes
LW5197 21:05 None Arrived Delayed by 65 minutes
LW5196 23:00 None Arrived Delayed by 59 minutes
LW9770 18:55 None Arrived On time
LW9771 20:25 None Arrived On time
LW6064 19:30 None Arrived Delayed by 82 minutes
LW6065 21:20 None Arrived Delayed by 86 minutes
LW7534 19:20 None Arrived On time
LW9400 13:05 None Arrived On time
LW9399 15:10 None Arrived On time
LW1851 12:40 None Arrived Delayed by 23 minutes
LW1850 15:05 None Arrived Delayed by 15 minutes

Latin American Wings Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Vienna International Airport VIE Vienna Austria 1 year, 1 month
2 Stansted Airport STN London United Kingdom 1 year, 3 months
3 Jorge Chavez International Airport LIM Lima Peru 1 year, 7 months
4 Palma de Mallorca Airport PMI Palma Mallorca Spain 1 year, 3 months
5 Washington Dulles International Airport IAD Dulles United States 1 year, 7 months
6 Queen Alia International Airport AMM Amman Jordan 1 year, 4 months
7 Arturo Merino Benitez Airport SCL Santiago Chile 1 year, 7 months
8 Hamburg Airport HAM Hamburg Germany 1 year, 7 months
9 Carriel Sur Airport CCP Concepcion Chile 1 year, 7 months
10 Cerro Moreno International Airport ANF Antofagasta Chile 1 year, 7 months

Recent Updated Airports