North-Wright Airways Flight Status

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North-Wright Airways flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
HW776 16:40 17:00 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
HW775 16:00 16:20 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
HW126 14:50 16:15 LandedDiversion
HW181 18:00 19:30 Landed
HW773 11:00 11:20 Scheduled
HW125 10:35 11:50 Arrived Delayed by 15m
HW771 10:00 10:20 Scheduled On time
HW141 09:05 09:35 Scheduled
HW142 14:05 15:50 Scheduled
HW772 10:40 11:00 Scheduled
HW774 11:40 12:00 Scheduled
HW182 11:00 12:25 Scheduled On time
HW242 14:50 16:05 Scheduled On time
HW808 19:30 None Landed
HW879 14:00 None In Air
HW185 13:00 15:02 Landed
HW635 None 16:19 Landed
HW116 12:05 12:40 Scheduled On time
HW375 08:30 08:56 Landed
HW226 17:15 17:40 In Air
HW556 09:15 10:00 Arrival Unknown
HW225 08:30 10:00 In_Air
HW555 None 16:57 Scheduled
HW268 17:00 19:02 Arrival Unknown
HW409 07:45 09:05 None
HW1141 10:30 11:55 Scheduled
HW1142 16:30 17:10 Scheduled
HW135 12:00 14:00 In_Air
HW151 18:40 20:10 Landed
HW152 16:55 17:20 Scheduled
HW117 13:15 14:15 Unknown
HW160 09:30 11:20 Landed

North-Wright Airways Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Fort Good Hope Airport YGH Fort Good Hope Canada 4 weeks, 1 day
2 Norman Wells Airport YVQ Norman Wells Canada 6 days, 5 hours
3 Yellowknife Airport YZF Yellowknife Canada 3 weeks
4 Deline Airport YWJ Deline Canada 1 week
5 Tulita Airport ZFN Tulita/Fort Norman Canada 4 weeks
6 Inuvik Mike Zubko Airport YEV Inuvik Canada 1 week, 2 days
7 Freddie Carmichael Airport LAK Aklavik Canada 1 week, 2 days
8 Colville Lake Airport YCK Colville Lake Canada 1 month, 2 weeks
9 High Level Airport YOJ High Level Canada 1 year, 8 months
10 Merlyn Carter Airport YHY Hay River Canada 1 year, 8 months

Recent Updated Airports