Maldivian Flight Status

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Maldivian flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
Q2503 14:40 17:50 Scheduled
Q2329 06:25 07:00 Unknown
Q2224 11:30 12:00 Scheduled
Q2322 12:00 12:40 Scheduled
Q2328 23:15 23:55 Scheduled
Q2324 15:25 16:05 Scheduled
Q2166 17:45 18:35 Scheduled
Q2162 11:55 12:45 Scheduled
Q2164 14:30 15:20 Scheduled
Q2152 13:40 14:50 Scheduled
Q2142 10:50 12:00 Scheduled
Q2156 17:35 18:45 Scheduled
Q2286 18:20 19:00 Scheduled
Q2470 08:05 09:15 Landed
Q2448 18:55 19:50 Scheduled
Q2442 09:05 10:00 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
Q2240 07:25 08:20 No Recent Info - Call Airline
Q2242 11:40 12:35 Scheduled
Q2244 15:20 16:15 Scheduled
Q2268 23:45 00:45 Scheduled
Q2260 07:50 08:55 No Recent Info - Call Airline
Q2264 15:35 16:40 Scheduled
Q2262 12:10 13:15 Scheduled
Q2102 12:05 13:40 Scheduled
Q2106 16:45 18:20 Scheduled
Q2112 23:30 01:05 Scheduled
Q2128 23:35 01:00 Scheduled
Q2124 15:05 16:30 Scheduled
Q2192 09:00 09:45 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
Q2502 08:40 13:40 No Recent Info - Call Airline
Q2269 05:40 06:45 No Recent Info - Call Airline
Q2143 12:35 13:45 Scheduled

Maldivian Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Velana International Airport MLE Male Maldives 22 hours, 12 minutes
2 Suvarnabhumi Airport BKK Bangkok Thailand 1 year, 7 months
3 Hanimaadhoo Airport HAQ Hanimaadhoo Maldives 6 days, 23 hours
4 Kadhdhoo Airport KDO Kadhdhoo Maldives 2 weeks, 3 days
5 Kaadedhdhoo Airport KDM Kaadedhdhoo Maldives 1 day, 14 hours
6 Kooddoo Island Airport GKK Kooddoo Island Maldives 2 hours, 2 minutes
7 Gan/Seenu Airport GAN Gan Island Maldives 18 hours, 7 minutes
8 Dharavandhoo AIrport DRV Dharavandhoo Island Maldives 2 weeks, 3 days
9 Ifuru Airport IFU Ifuru Island Maldives 1 week, 1 day
10 Trivandrum International Airport TRV Thiruvananthapuram India 2 days, 2 hours

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