Libyan Wings Flight Status

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Libyan Wings flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
YL102 08:30 13:00 In Air
YL100 22:00 02:30 Scheduled On time
YL101 03:30 06:00 Scheduled
YL800 08:00 08:10 Scheduled
YL820 17:00 17:10 Scheduled
YL810 13:00 13:10 Scheduled
YL830 20:00 20:15 Landed
YL831 21:15 23:25 Landed
YL821 18:10 20:20 Landed
YL811 14:10 16:20 Landed
YL801 09:10 11:30 Landed
YL103 14:00 16:30 Scheduled
YL401 15:50 17:10 Scheduled On time
YL701 16:40 17:50 Scheduled On time
YL2025 02:14 None In Air
YL400 13:30 14:50 Scheduled On time
YL841 01:00 02:00 In Air
YL840 13:35 13:20 In Air
YL700 14:30 15:40 In Air
YL5551 18:30 21:35 In Air
YL5550 02:00 02:00 In Air
YL6661 00:40 03:50 Landed 04:24
YL6660 19:30 21:53 Landed 23:39
YL6150 12:11 None Arrived On time
YL6173 04:38 None Arrived On time
YL6205 01:42 None Arrived On time
YL6206 04:31 None Arrived On time
YL1059 18:40 None Arrived On time
YL2059 21:53 None Arrived On time
YL1730 12:04 None Arrived On time
YL2730 18:35 None Arrived On time
YL803 21:06 None Arrived On time

Libyan Wings Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Mitiga, Tripoli Airport MJI Mitiga, Tripoli Libya 2 hours, 16 minutes
2 Istanbul Ataturk Airport IST Istanbul Turkey 3 weeks, 5 days
3 Tunis-Carthage International Airport TUN Tunis Tunisia 1 day, 1 hour
4 Misurata Airport MRA Misurata Libya 1 year, 7 months
5 Sfax El Maou Airport SFA Sfax Tunisia 1 year, 8 months
6 Vnukovo Airport VKO Moscow Russia 1 year, 8 months
7 Khartoum International Airport KRT Khartoum Sudan 1 year, 8 months
8 Antalya Airport AYT Antalya Turkey 1 year, 8 months
9 Benina International Airport BEN Benghazi Libya 5 months
10 Sale Airport RBA Rabat Morocco 1 year, 8 months

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