Horizon Air Flight Status

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Horizon Air flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
QX2402 14:33 18:15 Departed On time
QX2067 05:00 06:15 Arrived On time
QX2500 14:23 16:43 Departed On time
QX2052 10:00 12:52 Departed On time
QX2154 09:15 12:00 Departed On time
QX2461 22:45 23:59 Scheduled On time
QX2416 15:43 17:02 Scheduled On time
QX2061 08:02 10:16 Scheduled On time
QX2024 07:00 09:25 Scheduled On time
QX2175 15:24 16:32 Scheduled On time
QX2013 13:35 14:39 Scheduled On time
QX2374 10:59 12:48 Scheduled On time
QX2218 11:41 12:25 Scheduled On time
QX2114 07:40 08:36 Scheduled On time
QX2367 20:40 23:28 Scheduled On time
QX2431 18:58 20:33 Scheduled On time
QX2368 07:00 08:16 Scheduled On time
QX2203 07:00 08:58 Scheduled On time
QX2003 14:15 18:26 Scheduled On time
QX2017 07:00 09:00 Arrived On time
QX2280 20:59 22:11 Arrived On time
QX2110 18:30 19:21 Departed On time
QX2073 14:47 16:07 Arrived On time
QX2074 20:50 22:00 Scheduled On time
QX2119 11:09 11:43 Arrived On time
QX2183 10:00 10:56 Arrived On time
QX2216 21:59 23:08 Scheduled On time
QX2369 19:45 20:57 Scheduled On time
QX2044 09:45 11:44 Arrived Delayed by 23m
QX2167 12:34 13:35 Scheduled On time
QX2135 12:17 13:49 Scheduled On time
QX2088 12:50 14:10 Scheduled On time

Horizon Air Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Seattle International Airport SEA Seattle United States 7 hours, 24 minutes
2 Portland International Airport PDX Portland United States 0 minutes
3 Boise Air Terminal (Gowen Field) BOI Boise United States 23 hours, 7 minutes
4 Spokane International Airport GEG Spokane United States 17 hours, 12 minutes
5 Roberts Field RDM Redmond United States 1 day, 16 hours
6 Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport SJC San Jose United States 3 days, 15 hours
7 Tri-Cities Airport PSC Pasco United States 2 days, 23 hours
8 San Francisco International Airport SFO San Francisco United States 2 days, 2 hours
9 Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport BZN Belgrade United States 5 days, 1 hour
10 Mahlon Sweet Field EUG Eugene United States 1 day, 22 hours

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