Helijet International Flight Status

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Helijet International flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
JB914 18:00 18:20 Scheduled On time
JB711 12:30 13:05 Scheduled On time
JB910 15:55 16:15 Scheduled On time
JB712 13:30 14:05 Scheduled On time
JB858 19:00 19:35 Scheduled On time
JB708 11:30 12:05 Scheduled On time
JB709 11:30 12:05 Scheduled On time
JB718 17:00 17:35 Scheduled On time
JB704 09:00 09:35 Scheduled On time
JB710 12:30 13:05 Scheduled On time
JB715 14:30 15:05 Scheduled On time
JB392 07:15 None Departed On time
JB350 11:58 None Departed On time
JB310 08:20 09:16 In Air
JB713 13:30 14:05 Scheduled On time
JB717 13:20 13:55 In Air
JB714 17:00 17:00 In Air
JB720 17:00 17:00 Landed 14:04
JB719 17:00 17:00 Landed 17:38
JB716 13:00 13:35 In Air
JB721 17:00 17:00 Landed 14:02
JB705 17:00 17:00 Landed 13:56
JB913 16:10 16:30 In Air
JB1245 08:11 10:31 Landed
JB120 08:34 11:15 Unknown
JB4 12:00 12:21 Scheduled
JB2112 19:00 20:00 In Air
JB87 20:00 20:00 In Air
JB8 13:00 14:07 Scheduled
JB7 None None Scheduled On time
JB909 16:10 16:30 Landed
JB905 09:25 None Scheduled

Helijet International Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Vancouver Harbour Sea Plane Base CXH Vancouver Canada 6 days, 11 hours
2 Victoria Inner Harbour Airport YWH Victoria Canada 6 days, 12 hours
3 Nanaimo Harbor Seaplane Base ZNA Nanaimo Canada 6 days, 10 hours
4 Vancouver International Airport YVR Vancouver Canada 1 year, 7 months
5 Kelowna International Airport YLW Kelowna Canada 1 year, 7 months
6 Logan International Airport BOS Boston United States 1 year, 7 months
7 John F. Kennedy International Airport JFK New York United States 1 year, 7 months
8 O'Hare International Airport ORD Chicago United States 1 year, 7 months
9 Queretaro Intercontinental Airport QRO Queretaro Mexico 1 year, 7 months
10 Abbotsford Airport YXX Abbotsford Canada 1 year, 7 months

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