Asian Wings Airways Flight Status

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Asian Wings Airways flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
YJ118 16:45 18:10 In Air
YJ141 09:00 10:10 Scheduled
YJ143 09:35 10:45 Scheduled
YJ645 06:45 08:15
YJ801 07:00 08:20
YJ201 07:40 08:10 Landed
YJ206 16:20 17:30 Scheduled
YJ113 11:55 13:05 Scheduled
YJ312 12:50 13:55 Scheduled
YJ264 16:55 18:20 Scheduled
YJ222 14:50 16:15 Scheduled
YJ512 17:30 18:55 Scheduled
YJ144 09:25 10:35 Scheduled
YJ120 16:10 17:55 Scheduled
YJ6116 15:05 16:05 Landed Late
YJ203 07:40 08:10 Scheduled
YJ253 13:25 14:35 Scheduled
YJ262 14:15 15:15 Scheduled
YJ255 14:40 15:35 Scheduled
YJ417 12:40 13:35 Scheduled
YJ221 12:40 13:30 Scheduled
YJ211 13:15 14:20 Scheduled
YJ212 15:55 17:40 Scheduled
YJ311 11:30 12:35 Scheduled
YJ119 13:30 14:35 Scheduled
YJ116 18:10 19:35 Scheduled
YJ114 15:30 16:40 Scheduled
YJ256 17:00 18:25 Scheduled
YJ418 15:00 16:25 Scheduled
YJ254 16:15 17:40 Scheduled
YJ202 09:55 11:05 Landed
YJ511 14:15 14:55 Scheduled

Asian Wings Airways Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Mandalay International Airport MDL Mandalay Myanmar 1 year, 8 months
2 Yangon International Airport RGN Yangon Myanmar 1 year, 8 months
3 Heho Airport HEH Heho Myanmar 1 year, 8 months
4 Lashio Airport LSH Lashio Myanmar 1 year, 8 months
5 Homalin Airport HOX Homalin Myanmar 1 year, 8 months
6 Myitkyina Airport MYT Myitkyina Myanmar 1 year, 8 months
7 Tachilek Airport THL Tachilek Myanmar 1 year, 8 months
8 Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport CAN Guangzhou China 1 year, 8 months
9 Kuala Lumpur International Airport KUL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 1 year, 8 months
10 Kyaukpyu Airport KYP Kyaukpyu Myanmar 1 year, 8 months

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