ANA Wings Flight Status

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ANA Wings flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
EH1615 17:55 18:35 Scheduled On time
EH1834 16:35 17:35 Scheduled On time
EH1605 10:15 11:00 Arrived On time
EH1647 18:00 18:50 Scheduled On time
EH372 09:30 10:50 Scheduled On time
EH4936 15:05 15:35 Scheduled On time
EH1227 13:40 15:00 Scheduled On time
EH509 16:40 17:50 Arrived On time
EH4862 10:55 11:45 Arrived On time
EH5661 09:00 09:00 In Air
EH5542 17:15 17:15 In Air
EH5541 10:23 10:42 In Air
EH5543 09:00 09:00 In Air
EH5544 14:03 15:52 In Air
EH5551 09:00 09:00 In Air
EH5561 09:00 09:00 In Air
EH5546 10:56 12:10 In Air
EH5662 08:00 09:00 In Air
EH5545 06:53 08:01 In Air
EH5555 18:15 20:04 In Air
EH1840 17:30 18:55 Departed On time
EH1839 15:40 17:00 Arrived On time
EH703 09:20 11:05 Arrived On time
EH1722 11:10 12:05 Scheduled On time
EH4854 12:10 12:50 Arrived On time
EH426 16:15 17:30 Arrived On time
EH1831 10:25 11:30 Arrived On time
EH784 10:55 12:15 Departed Delayed by 30m
EH706 11:45 13:30 Arrived Delayed by 26m
EH1607 13:35 14:20 Arrived On time
EH5569 09:00 09:00 Landed 15:15
EH5567 09:00 09:00 Landed 15:18

ANA Wings Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Itami Airport ITM Osaka Japan 2 days, 8 hours
2 New Chitose Airport CTS Sapporo Japan 3 days, 5 hours
3 Chubu Centrair International Airport NGO Nagoya Japan 11 months, 1 week
4 Haneda Airport HND Tokyo Japan 1 year, 3 months
5 Naha Airport OKA Okinawa Japan 1 year, 6 months
6 Fukuoka Airport FUK Fukuoka Japan 1 year, 2 months
7 Sendai Airport SDJ Sendai Japan 6 days, 15 hours
8 Matsuyama Airport MYJ Matsuyama Japan 1 year, 6 months
9 Kumamoto Airport KMJ Kumamoto Japan 1 year, 3 months
10 Painushima Ishigaki Airport ISG Ishigaki Japan 1 year, 4 months

Recent Updated Airports