Aircompany ZetAvia Flight Status

Tired of waiting for the flight? Check today flight status of the Aircompany ZetAvia here. We understand that a traveler needs to know the exact arrival and departure time of a flight. Therefore, we offer you the robust platform to check the accurate Aircompany ZetAvia Flight status. Just land on our portal and acquire all the necessary details.

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Aircompany ZetAvia flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
ZK6002 12:00 18:01 In Air
ZK6001 09:00 14:32 In Air
ZK9101 04:00 04:00 Landed 16:53
ZK9103 02:00 04:00 Landed 01:14
ZK9102 04:00 03:00 In Air
ZK9001 14:10 None Arrived On time
ZK9104 04:00 04:00 Arrival Estimated 04:52
ZK7001 13:49 None Arrived On time
ZK7002 23:42 None Arrived On time
ZK7003 23:54 None Arrived On time
ZK9511 04:00 03:00 Arrival Estimated 13:10
ZK9010 09:37 None Arrived On time
ZK9011 10:26 None Arrived On time
ZK9012 01:21 None Arrived On time
ZK3011 16:01 None Arrived On time
ZK9021 17:23 None Arrived On time
ZK9022 21:41 None Arrived On time
ZK9024 03:29 None Arrived On time
ZK9025 21:49 None Arrived On time
ZK9801 10:02 None Arrived On time
ZK9802 10:40 None Arrived On time
ZK9803 18:50 None Arrived On time
ZK701 01:00 21:00 In Air
ZK3014 13:33 14:57 Landed
ZK3006 14:15 16:35
ZK3004 10:35 12:50
ZK2992 14:39 14:47 Landed
ZK2987 10:30 12:45
ZK2986 14:00 16:15
ZK2984 10:15 12:30
ZK2974 12:27 13:31 Unknown
ZK2967 14:13 15:31 Scheduled

Aircompany ZetAvia Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Denver International Airport DEN Denver United States 1 year, 7 months
2 Los Angeles International Airport LAX Los Angeles United States 1 year, 7 months
3 Ernest A. Love Field PRC Prescott United States 1 year, 7 months
4 Pierre Regional Airport PIR Pierre United States 1 year, 7 months
5 Cheyenne Regional Airport CYS Cheyenne United States 1 year, 7 months
6 Telluride Regional Airport TEX Telluride United States 1 year, 7 months
7 Four Corners Regional Airport FMN Farmington United States 1 year, 7 months
8 Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport PHX Phoenix United States 1 year, 7 months
9 O'Hare International Airport ORD Chicago United States 1 year, 7 months
10 Minneapolis Airport MSP Minneapolis United States 1 year, 7 months

Recent Updated Airports