Air Tindi Flight Status

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Air Tindi flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
8T231 15:10 15:45 Scheduled On time
8T213 16:15 17:00 Scheduled
8T207 15:10 16:05 Scheduled
8T201 12:15 13:00 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
8T221 11:40 12:15 Scheduled
8T206 13:45 14:40 Scheduled
8T220 10:30 11:10 Scheduled
8T242 16:45 17:30 Scheduled
8T212 15:00 15:45 Scheduled
8T241 09:15 10:00 No Recent Info - Call Airline
8T200 11:00 11:45 Scheduled
8T240 08:00 08:45 Scheduled On time
8T222 08:00 09:25 Scheduled
8T223 17:45 19:10 Scheduled On time
8T203 18:15 19:00 No Recent Info - Call Airline
8T202 17:00 17:45 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
8T243 18:00 18:45 Scheduled
8T224 08:45 10:10 Scheduled
8T230 13:45 14:30 Scheduled On time
8T232 16:05 17:00 Scheduled On time
8T802 09:15 None Departed On time
8T219 11:25 12:15 Scheduled
8T218 10:30 11:10 Scheduled
8T211 16:35 17:40 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
8T205 13:30 14:15 Scheduled
8T210 15:30 16:20 Scheduled
8T502 07:00 08:40 In Air
8T1615 12:06 None Arrived On time
8T1627 09:46 None Arrived On time
8T1628 16:15 None Arrived On time
8T1647 15:08 None Arrived On time
8T1680 17:32 None Arrived On time

Air Tindi Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Yellowknife Airport YZF Yellowknife Canada 16 hours, 1 minute
2 Gameti Rae Lakes Airport YRA Rae Lakes Canada 1 hour, 10 minutes
3 Fort Simpson Airport YFS Fort Simpson Canada 2 days, 18 hours
4 Whati Airport YLE Whati/Lac La Martre Canada 2 weeks, 3 days
5 Lutselke Airport YSG Lutselke/Snowdrift Canada 1 day, 14 hours
6 Merlyn Carter Airport YHY Hay River Canada 4 days, 18 hours
7 Wekweeti Airport YFJ Snare Lake Canada 4 days, 19 hours
8 Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport YWG Winnipeg Canada 1 year, 7 months

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