Air Armenia Flight Status

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Air Armenia flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
QN85 12:25 13:50 Scheduled On time
QN86 14:20 15:45 Scheduled
QN54 14:00 15:25 Scheduled
QN78 14:30 15:50 Scheduled
QN53 10:15 11:40 Scheduled
QN66 11:45 13:45 Scheduled
QN65 09:15 11:15 Scheduled
QN796 21:30 None No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
QN161 10:15 10:50 Arrived On time
QN795 17:36 None Arrived
QN582 None 13:30 Arrived
QN581 08:00 09:00 Landed
QN284 13:25 13:45 Scheduled
QN381 15:40 16:00 Scheduled
QN283 11:35 11:55 Scheduled
QN362 15:00 15:35 No Recent Info - Call Airline
QN31 12:25 14:00 No Recent Info - Call Airline
QN42 08:45 10:45 Landed
QN62 14:35 16:35 Arrived
QN32 14:30 16:05 Arrived
QN71 10:05 11:25 Landed
QN61 12:05 14:05 Departed
QN183 09:10 09:20 No Recent Info - Call Airline
QN184 09:30 09:40 No Recent Info - Call Airline
QN281 11:35 11:55 Scheduled
QN141 09:30 09:55 Scheduled
QN82 16:00 17:25 Arrived
QN81 14:05 15:30 No Recent Info - Call Airline
QN55 14:30 16:05 No Recent Info - Call Airline
QN241 12:35 13:00 Scheduled On time
QN34 09:05 10:40 Arrived
QN44 08:00 10:00 Scheduled

Air Armenia Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Horn Island Airport HID Horn Island Australia 1 day, 7 hours
2 Cairns Airport CNS Cairns Australia 1 hour, 5 minutes
3 Zvartnots International Airport EVN Yerevan Armenia 1 year, 8 months
4 Aurukun Airport AUU Aurukun Australia 1 week, 6 days
5 Yam Island Airport XMY Yam Island Australia 17 hours, 15 minutes
6 Brisbane Airport BNE Brisbane Australia 1 month, 2 weeks
7 Kubin Airport KUG Kubin Island Australia 2 weeks
8 Badu Island Airport BDD Badu Island Australia 3 weeks, 2 days
9 Kowanyama Airport KWM Kowanyama Australia 3 months
10 Warraber Island Airport SYU Sue Island Australia 3 weeks, 5 days

Recent Updated Airports