Aerolink Uganda Flight Status

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Aerolink Uganda flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
A8112 08:45 10:05 Scheduled
A8111 07:00 08:15 Scheduled
A81450 05:35 07:32 Cancelled
A8415 09:30 11:40 Landed 13:02
A81093 12:33 19:14 Arrived On time
A87172 12:16 None Arrived On time
A83118 06:55 None Arrived On time
A8704 None None None
A81997 16:45 18:26 Landed
A81898 10:45 None Arrived On time
A84108 21:25 None Arrived On time
A81026 20:45 23:40 Landed 23:39
A82693 09:29 None Arrived On time
A8414 03:45 06:08 Landed 05:46
A88048 11:27 None Arrival Diverted to DFW
A81205 06:30 07:58 Landed
A81326 04:57 07:06 None
A87169 16:15 20:26 Arrival Estimated 20:25
A83205 20:55 None Arrived On time
A84174 16:54 None Arrived On time
A84179 14:13 None Arrived On time
A81956 06:45 11:41 Diverted
A81052 12:42 16:33 Landed
A8440 04:45 10:38 Arrival Diverted to GEG
A85127 09:06 None Arrived Delayed by 21 minutes
A81987 17:00 17:00 Arrival Scheduled
A81150 20:30 22:38 Landed 22:38
A81829 None None None
A81989 None None None
A88038 13:26 None Arrival Diverted to DFW
A84184 10:43 None Arrived On time
A87222 16:00 None Arrived On time

Aerolink Uganda Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Entebbe International Airport EBB Entebbe Uganda 2 days, 1 hour
2 Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport PHX Phoenix United States 1 year, 7 months
3 Lansing Capital Region International Airport LAN Lansing United States 1 year, 7 months
4 Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport DFW Dallas United States 8 months, 4 weeks
5 Spokane International Airport GEG Spokane United States 8 months, 4 weeks
6 Kasese Airport KSE Kasese Uganda 2 weeks, 5 days
7 Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport MFR Medford United States 1 year, 7 months
8 Rafael Hernandez Airport BQN Aguadilla Puerto Rico 1 year, 7 months
9 Portland International Airport PDX Portland United States 1 year, 7 months
10 San Antonio International Airport SAT San Antonio United States 1 year, 7 months

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