Avianca Ecuador Flight Status

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Avianca Ecuador flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
2K7393 02:00 07:45 In Air
2K8386 19:15 20:45 Arrived On time
2K1608 09:25 10:24 Arrived On time
2K8385 07:10 09:00 Arrived Delayed by 1h 38m
2K1605 07:49 08:39 Scheduled On time
2K7396 17:25 00:40 No Takeoff Info - Call Airline
2K7397 01:05 06:45 No Recent Info - Call Airline
2K1633 11:40 14:34 Scheduled On time
2K7392 16:20 23:50 No Recent Info - Call Airline
2K8380 03:30 05:25 Arrived On time
2K1662 17:00 17:56 Arrived On time
2K8383 15:10 17:15 Arrived On time
2K8387 21:40 23:20 Scheduled On time
2K1620 10:31 11:26 Arrived On time
2K1691 07:41 08:30 Arrived On time
2K1671 06:11 07:00 Arrived On time
2K8373 15:10 16:55 Arrived On time
2K1663 19:02 19:53 Scheduled On time
2K1631 13:05 15:54 Departed On time
2K1660 05:57 07:02 Arrived On time
2K1607 20:08 20:58 Scheduled On time
2K8371 20:40 22:40 Scheduled On time
2K8372 10:00 11:29 Scheduled On time
2K1639 13:22 16:16 Scheduled On time
2K1687 12:15 15:22 Scheduled On time
2K1630 08:05 09:01 Scheduled On time
2K1670 20:38 21:34 Scheduled On time
2K1697 20:47 21:35 Scheduled On time
2K8384 10:10 11:50 Scheduled On time
2K8377 07:30 09:05 Arrived On time
2K8391 21:32 23:37 Departed On time
2K8389 11:44 13:40 Arrived On time

Avianca Ecuador Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Jose Joaquin de Olmedo Airport GYE Guayaquil Ecuador 3 days, 22 hours
2 Mariscal Sucre International Airport UIO Quito Ecuador 1 day, 16 hours
3 El Dorado International Airport BOG Bogota Colombia 1 day, 19 hours
4 Baltra Airport GPS Galapagos Islands Ecuador 3 days, 13 hours
5 George Bush Intercontinental Airport IAH Houston United States 1 year, 8 months
6 Jorge Chavez International Airport LIM Lima Peru 1 year, 8 months
7 Manta Airport MEC Manta Ecuador 2 weeks, 1 day
8 John F. Kennedy International Airport JFK New York United States 2 weeks, 3 days
9 El Alto International Airport LPB La Paz Bolivia 1 year, 8 months
10 Miami International Airport MIA Miami United States 1 year, 8 months

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