Southwest Airlines departures from Baltimore BWI airport

Southwest Airlines Baltimore BWI airport departures allow to check status of Southwest Airlines flights departure from Baltimore/Wash International Thurgood Marshall Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current local time at Baltimore airport is 02:01 AM 2025-01-14

No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
WN690 06:05 (LAS) Las Vegas, NV Scheduled
WN1204 06:10 (MDW) Chicago, IL Scheduled
WN1734 06:15 (MCO) Orlando, FL Scheduled
WN3129 06:25 (HOU) Houston, TX Scheduled
WN1409 06:40 (BNA) Nashville, TN Scheduled
WN3374 06:45 (FLL) Fort Lauderdale, FL Scheduled
WN152 06:50 (TPA) Tampa, FL Scheduled