Berlin to Toulouse flight status today

List of all flights from Berlin Germany (SXF) to Toulouse France (TLS) and airlines operated flight from Berlin to Toulouse. The flight is an international flight from Germany to France. There are 1 flights operated by 1 airlines on this route.

The distance from Berlin, DE (SXF) to Toulouse, FR (TLS) is 1325 km (824 miles). The time zone of the point of departure Schonefeld Airport is GMT +1:00. The current time is Wednesday 2024-05-01 19:11 PM. The time zone of the destination point Toulouse-Blagnac Airport is GMT+1:00 The current time is Wednesday 2024-05-01 19:11 PM.

easyJet |

List of 1 flights from Berlin, DE (SXF) to Toulouse, FR (TLS).
No. Departure Arrival Last Update Status
U29045 02:00 02:00 In Air