KLM departures from Fukuoka FUK airport

KLM Fukuoka FUK airport departures allow to check status of KLM flights departure from Fukuoka Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current local time at Fukuoka airport is 21:13 PM 2025-01-22

No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
KL9840 15:50 15:39 (ICN) Seoul Arrived
KL4987 20:35 21:03 (TPE) Taipei Departed
KL4259 21:05 21:00 (ICN) Seoul Departed
KL4254 10:30 (ICN) Seoul Scheduled on 2025-01-23
KL3395 13:40 (ICN) Seoul Scheduled on 2025-01-23