Khrabrovo Airport (KGD) Flight Departures

Kaliningrad KGD airport departures allow to check status of flight departure from Khrabrovo Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current time at Kaliningrad airport is 00:58 AM 2024-10-16

Aeroflot departures from Khrabrovo Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
SU6662 19:00 19:21 (SVO) Moscow Landed on 2024-10-15
SU1011 19:15 19:20 (SVO) Moscow Landed on 2024-10-15
SU6326 20:30 20:31 (LED) St Petersburg Arrived on 2024-10-15
SU6332 20:45 (LED) St Petersburg Arrived on 2024-10-15
SU1007 21:10 21:04 (SVO) Moscow Landed on 2024-10-15
SU6334 08:45 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled
SU6324 10:25 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled
SU1015 10:35 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
SU1017 11:35 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
SU6314 12:25 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
SU6320 12:50 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled
SU1003 12:55 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
SU1019 14:40 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
SU1005 16:10 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled
SU6326 16:20 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled
SU6330 18:40 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled



Southwind Airlines departures from Khrabrovo Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
2S248 11:40 (AYT) Antalya Scheduled



Nordwind Airlines departures from Khrabrovo Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
N4282 11:20 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled
N4867 14:45 (REN) Orenburg Scheduled
N4106 17:10 (SVO) Moscow Scheduled



S7 Airlines departures from Khrabrovo Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
S71214 13:30 (DME) Moscow Scheduled
S75066 16:15 (OVB) Novosibirsk Scheduled



Ural Airlines departures from Khrabrovo Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
U6168 19:20 (DME) Moscow No Recent Info - Call Airline on 2024-10-15
U6372 11:35 (DME) Moscow Scheduled
U6628 14:05 (DME) Moscow Scheduled
U6392 14:20 (LED) St Petersburg Scheduled
U6404 14:55 (SVX) Yekaterinburg Scheduled



Belavia departures from Khrabrovo Airport
No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
B2950 16:50 (MSQ) Minsk Scheduled