Japan Airlines departures from Doha DOH airport

Japan Airlines Doha DOH airport departures allow to check status of Japan Airlines flights departure from Hamad International Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current local time at Doha airport is 16:34 PM 2025-01-18

No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
JL9239 15:20 15:28 (JED) Jeddah In Air
JL5581 18:55 (NBO) Nairobi Scheduled
JL5579 19:50 (ADD) Addis Ababa Scheduled
JL5571 20:35 (JNB) Johannesburg Scheduled
JL7996 01:10 (KIX) Osaka Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL5595 01:50 (JRO) Kilimanjaro Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL5591 01:55 (CPT) Cape Town Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL9231 01:55 (ZNZ) Zanzibar Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL5587 02:05 (JNB) Johannesburg Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL7994 02:15 (NRT) Tokyo Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL5583 02:25 (NBO) Nairobi Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL9235 02:50 (SEZ) Seychelles Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL5599 07:20 (JED) Jeddah Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL7991 07:55 (GRU) Sao Paulo Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL7993 08:05 (CAI) Cairo Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL5589 08:40 (CPT) Cape Town Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL9237 08:45 (RUH) Riyadh Scheduled on 2025-01-19
JL50 09:20 09:20 (HND) Tokyo Scheduled on 2025-01-19