Cebu Pacific departures from Hong Kong HKG airport

Cebu Pacific Hong Kong HKG airport departures allow to check status of Cebu Pacific flights departure from Hong Kong International Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current local time at Hong Kong airport is 20:25 PM 2025-01-22

No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
5J113 19:15 19:15 (MNL) Manila Scheduled
5J237 19:25 19:25 (CEB) Lapu-Lapu Scheduled
5J115 22:15 22:15 (MNL) Manila Scheduled
5J121 22:35 22:35 (CRK) Clark Intl Scheduled
5J273 09:25 (MNL) Manila Scheduled on 2025-01-23
5J241 09:40 (CEB) Lapu-Lapu Scheduled on 2025-01-23
5J149 10:00 (CRK) Clark Intl Scheduled on 2025-01-23
5J111 11:00 (MNL) Manila Scheduled on 2025-01-23