Airline Atifly departures from Cali CLO airport

Airline Atifly Cali CLO airport departures allow to check status of Airline Atifly flights departure from Alfonso B. Aragon Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current local time at Cali airport is 14:43 PM 2025-01-23

No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
A15335 09:00 (GPI) Guapi No Recent Info - Call Airline
A15364 09:00 09:13 (PSO) Pasto Landed
A15452 11:20 11:21 (BOG) Bogota Landed
A15366 15:10 (PSO) Pasto Scheduled
A15341 16:25 (EOH) Medellin Scheduled
A15392 16:55 (TCO) Tumaco Scheduled
A15450 18:20 (BOG) Bogota Scheduled
A15456 21:00 (BOG) Bogota Scheduled
A15448 05:50 (BOG) Bogota Scheduled on 2025-01-24
A15390 06:20 (TCO) Tumaco Scheduled on 2025-01-24