Air Canada departures from Las Vegas LAS airport

Air Canada Las Vegas LAS airport departures allow to check status of Air Canada flights departure from McCarran International Airport the information about flight delay status, schedule, terminal and gate.

Departure times are given in local time. Current local time at Las Vegas airport is 06:54 AM 2025-01-18

No. Scheduled Estimate/Actual Destination Status
AC5211 06:00 06:10 (SFO) San Francisco, CA In Air
AC5230 06:00 06:17 (DEN) Denver, CO In Air
AC5431 06:05 06:14 (LAX) Los Angeles, CA In Air
AC1059 06:20 06:28 (YVR) Vancouver In Air
AC3345 07:00 07:00 (ORD) Chicago, IL Scheduled
AC3488 08:00 08:00 (SFO) San Francisco, CA Scheduled
AC3347 08:40 08:40 (ORD) Chicago, IL Scheduled
AC3449 09:20 09:20 (DEN) Denver, CO Scheduled
AC5404 10:10 10:10 (SFO) San Francisco, CA Scheduled
AC4245 10:39 10:39 (LAX) Los Angeles, CA Scheduled
AC3346 11:20 11:20 (ORD) Chicago, IL Scheduled
AC1282 11:25 (YYZ) Toronto Scheduled
AC5058 11:35 11:35 (DEN) Denver, CO Scheduled