Safi Airways Flight Status

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Safi Airways flight status tracker live

No. Departure Arrival Live Status
4Q4518 07:00 08:00
4Q4504 07:00 08:15
4Q4256 13:00 13:45 Unknown
4Q4291 21:30 01:20 Estimated Arrival 23:38
4Q4204 12:55 16:30 Estimated departure 14:00
4Q4513 17:30 18:30 Landed 13:13
4Q4202 03:30 06:50 Landed 05:29
4Q4502 19:15 20:30 Scheduled
4Q4292 02:20 08:10 Unknown
4Q4514 07:00 08:00 Estimated Arrival 14:57
4Q4244 14:30 15:50 Scheduled
4Q4255 10:15 12:00 Scheduled
4Q4501 17:00 18:30 Scheduled
4Q4203 08:55 11:40 Estimated departure 10:30*
4Q4201 18:05 20:55 Estimated departure 19:30
4Q4243 09:30 13:20 Departed
4Q502 18:00 19:15 Scheduled
4Q244 14:25 15:45 Scheduled
4Q504 07:00 08:15 Scheduled
4Q204 14:00 17:30 Scheduled
4Q202 02:00 05:30 Scheduled
4Q518 07:00 08:00 Scheduled
4Q291 20:15 00:30 Scheduled
4Q501 15:30 17:00 Scheduled
4Q201 19:30 22:00 Scheduled
4Q203 10:30 13:00 Scheduled
4Q243 10:00 13:20 Scheduled
4Q256 17:30 18:15 Scheduled
4Q292 02:00 08:00 Scheduled
4Q255 14:45 16:30 Scheduled
4Q4246 15:30 17:20
4Q4248 14:45 16:00

Safi Airways Top 10 Airports

No. Name IATA Updated
1 Kabul International Airport KBL Kabul Afghanistan 1 year, 7 months
2 Dubai Airport DXB Dubai United Arab Emirates 1 year, 7 months
3 Indira Gandhi International Airport DEL Delhi India 1 year, 7 months
4 Herat International Airport HEA Herat Afghanistan 1 year, 7 months
5 Islamabad International Airport ISB Islamabad Pakistan 1 year, 7 months
6 Mazar-I-Sharif Airport MZR Mazar-I-Sharif Afghanistan 1 year, 7 months
7 King Abdulaziz International Airport JED Jeddah Saudi Arabia 1 year, 7 months

Recent Updated Airports